Awake Adapt Evolve jULY'17 workshops
Dear movers, another Experiential Anatomy and Human Movement workshop from the series!
AWAKE.ADAPT.EVOLVE. Movement Expression & Experiential Anatomy is part of a workshop series in SOMAnatomics_Human Movement Practice. It is taught by Christina Mastori founder and practitioner ofSOMAnatomics. It is a deeply experiential somatic movement practice that gives the participant the opportunity to explore the state of being, physical and cognitive, through a personal point of view via guided movement sequences and brain games.

In this workshop we will draw our attention to our personal habits and movements that often cause discomfort or pain and may limit our movement vocabulary. We will use the weight of our bodies and explore gravitational forces, imagery games to engage our neuromuscular connection, touch and partnering work to explore our awareness and perception of our body in space. We will work on our reflexes , challenge our instincts and learn how to develop effortless and effective ways to move our body, and which is their integration into our daily lives. With expressive movement & experiential anatomy sequences we will awaken and better understand our senses. This will be a safe place to dive into a deeper bodily awareness and learn new things about ourselves and our anatomy. When: Friday 21st July & Saturday 29th July Time: 12.oo-13.30 Duration: 1.5h Price: 15 € p.p. / discount for students and low income (contact for more info) Where: TAC Amsterdam Address: Borgerstraat 102, 1053PW -No previous experience is necessary. A good introduction to the practice for people interested in participating in the weekly classes starting September. To book your spot : -email Christina at -send a PM to SOMAnatomics
-or at the event page
Join me for the two last workshops of the month at TACAmsterdam to explore your movement abilities, challenge your mental capacities, play and learn about the anatomy of a moving body
See you there :)