SOMAnatomics at SeeYouthAround
A few weeks ago I was approached about an interview by an old friend that our paths have separated many years ago to finally meet again...
Metamorphic Technique Workshop with Polyxeni Stavrou from IntentionHealingPaths
Yesterday, I had the chance to participate in a wonderful interactive workshop about the Metamorphic Technique. The workshop was created...
IADMS '14 Symposium; The Effects of Touch For Proprioception
Recently I had the opportunity to give a presentation regarding the final and main project I did during my Dance Science masters degree...
Powerful Skin & Connective Touch
NEED TO KNOW Tactile Input: The sensory feeling you experience when you touch a person or an object. Tactile Feedback: The sensory...
Kinaesthetic Awareness Through Slow Movement Practice
NEED TO KNOW The vast majority of people do not begin the quest for a healthier life with a full understanding of how their body...
Could my body have Amnesia?
NEED TO KNOW .the tactile experience of a person is directly linked to his mental processes, with the notion that every touch could...