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awake. adapt.evolve.

Movement Architecture

& Cognitive Automation

in Urban settings

A SOMAnatomics_

Human Movement Architecture project

A series of outdoor pop up performances in urban public settings

where usually human movement is restricted to sitting, walking & standing.

What happens if on your daily route to work

you encounter a body that moves out of the ordinary?

What do you consider ordinary movement behaviour in a public space?

How does this unexpected movement challenge your automation  and habitual patterns ?

How do you react, what is the reason you react and how does that translate in your body and in your movements!

Do you know that for reasons of time and efficiency your mind has create a limited-yet- functional movement vocabulary to navigate you around?

Would you even notice if someone was moving out of the ordinary?


To raise questions such as this, and possibly

to answer some, this project begun.

This research was presented and workshops about it were given at Movementis, a movement and cognition conference that took place in Harvard School of Medicine, MA, USA in July 2018,  and at the 28th Annual Conference of the International Association for Dance, Medicine & Science , Helsinki, Finland in October 2018.

For more info, to participate in the training or interested to have

the project presented at your space contact Christina

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                                       2013 - 2024 

        by anatomyofmovement

        All rights Christina Mastori



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