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Christina Mastori.
mover/ athlete       artist/ researcher

ChristinaMastori NoMads DanceProject Cam

photography by AShinyDay

Christina, (aka somanatomics),

works in the fields of movement sciences, dance and performing arts. She is originally from Greece, born in UK, and based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.  She is a Human Movement Researcher and Dance & Visual artist. She creates site- specific works that explore public spaces, human movement and urban architecture.

At the moment:

  • Head Coach Mobility & Sports Specific Athletic Researcher at Vondelgym Amsterdam, 2019- present 

  • Guest Mobility & Injury Prevention Specialist Coach for the National & Olympic Dutch Beach Volleyball Team (men & women) 2022-present

  • Visual Artist & Researcher for Movesonscreen, 2020- present


  • BSc in Dance & Exercise Science, (conjoint degree BSc Sports & Exercise science and BA Dance Studies), Roehampton University, London, UK, 2011 

  • MSc in Dance Science , Trinity Laban-Metropolitan University, London, UK, 2012

  • Member of International Association for Dance, Medicine & Science,  2011- present 

  • Very Special Arts, Greece, Movement Educator/Volunteer, 2012- present 

  • Founder of SOMAnatomics_Human Movement Development practice, 2012

  • Voice Movement Integration & Bodywork (Work Study), 2013-2014 

  • Registered Somatic Movement Therapist & Educator,  2015- present 

  • External Lecturer/Practitioner for DIS-Copenhagen (Human Consciousness module, department of Neuroscience), 2015-2017

  • Educator for Athletic Artistry training for dancers   (Therapeutisch Activitieten Centrum Amsterdam), 2016- present 

  • Fighting_Monkey & RootlessRoot Research student, 2016- present 

  • Wattworks cycling club, PowerBalance trainer, 2017 - 2020 

  • Awake_Adapt_Evolve researcher/dance maker, 2017 - 2020 

  • Modern Bruises Dance Collective, 2017- 2023 

  • Artistic Director of WishBone dance theatre Company, 2019- 2021


working as a:


Dance Maker

Movement researcher

Athletic trainer

Dance, Sports & Exercise scientist

Injury prevention & rehab specialist


Awake_Adapt_Evolve: a research project on site specific performances on movement adaptability and neuroplasticity

[Author: Christina Mastori, MSc,]  project in progress

“This research was accepted to be presented at Movementis: Movement & Cognition conference at Harvard University of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts,US, in July 26-29th, 2018 ".

The Thinking Body- NeuroMovement Rehab

[Author: Christina Mastori, MSc,]

“This research took place between 2015- 2017 . 

+A series of practical workshops with the students of Human Consciousness from the department of Neuroscience,



Effects of Contact Improvisation (CI) for proprioception: An exercise intervention as part of rehabilitation

[Author: Christina Mastori, MSc,]

“This work has been presented at the 24th Annual Meeting of the International Association for Dance Medicine and Science held in Basel, Switzerland, in the 18th of October 2014”.

" A report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters in Dance Science,TrinityLaban/ Metropolitan University"


Electromyographic activity of two quadriceps group muscles during Isokinetic testing of female contemporary dancers

[Author: Christina Mastori, Bsc]

" A report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor in Dance Studies , Sports & Exercise Science, Roehampton University "



                                       2013 - 2024 

        by anatomyofmovement

        All rights Christina Mastori



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