2017 Greetings
2017 Greetings
from SOMAnatomics
Human Movement. Conscious Living. Awakening Senses.
Somatic Movement Therapy & Education

"Man is a self-developing organism which means that man cannot develop under compulsion but only through internal freedom, which is one's understanding (knowledge + being) that a man can evolve."
G.I. Gurdjieff
This year join me in a quest of re-discovering your self!
Explore movement, stillness and inner motion consciously.
Create a deeper awareness and understanding of this body you call yours!
Begin your journey for conscious living by acknowledging you only know
..one drop of water out of an ocean..
..merely one speck of sand out of the entire desert!
Begin learning more and Become a Thinking Moving Body!

Let your body tell your story..
Slow down, take a step back and breathe.
Become aware of your senses and re-learn how to move without pain and stress.
Let your body loose, free it from restrictions, learn how to take control and achieve balance!
Join me for neurokinetic bodywork in individual sessions to re-awake sensations,
bring relaxation, release tension and treat pain.
Take a group class to learn more about neurokinesis, expressive movement, instictual patterns and reflexes to discover new ways of liberating your body and mind from their restrictions.
Become a participant of the MovementRehab Lab and learn
how to overcome repetitive habitual patterns, injury reflexes,
prepare your body to avoid injuries and optimise your performance
in dance, sports and exercise.
SOMAnatomics & Christina Mastori